
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Marsha and Malin Bead Soup Adventure Begins...

This is my 2nd time participating in Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Blog Party - which is in the 6th round.
Lori Anderson's Beads Soup Blog Party
My partner for this round is Malin de Koning.
She is a talented artist (love her jewelry skills!) from Sweden, and she and I have very similar "quirky" sense of humor and outlook on life - which is just perfect if you ask me.
Check out her blog post on our Bead Soup Trade...
Part of my packaging to Malin for our Bead Soup Trade.
 She and I are working on some extra special "themed" soup this year.
Still shot of the "Birdie Num Num" from "The Party" with Peter Sellers.
Our Bead Soup is based on the movie "The Party" with Peter Sellers.

I had never heard of it or seen it until Malin and I were paired up, and she posted "Howdy Partener" on my FB page, followed by a link to the clip, then the full film on YouTube.

As we had a bit of time to pick out our "Bead Soup" for each other, and we agreed that picking a theme would add some extra "spice" to our soup. 

Here is a quick photo of the "Bead Soup" that I sent to Malin.
Artist Beads = Nikki Thornburg (Thornburg Bead Studio) and Marsha Neal Studio.
Silk Painting is Fun Hand Painted 2mm silks (sold by Marsha Neal Studio).
Recycled Sari Silk and Banana Fiber String (Darn Good Yarn)
Square Tube Seed Beads from Twisted Sistah Beads & Fibers.
Indian Silver from Beads Mosaic (Expo USA Inc).
Misc Seed Beads. Mood Beads. Vintaj hoops. Purple Daggers. Purple Turquoise (I believe).
I tend to send a lot of stuff because I traveled for a number of years selling my ceramic beads at bead shows all over the USA. And I have a lot of beads in my "stash". Serious addiction...

And here is the fabulous, groovy selection of Bead Soup that Malin sent to me (photos from her blog):

I want to spend some time here going into the inspiration because on August 25, 2012 when we reveal our final finished projects, I plan on posting mainly photos to speed up the blog hopping experience.

And so here is how this Bead Soup adventure began...

First I sat and watched the entire comedic film (from 1968 - that makes it 44 years old!)
Not that that is "old" but how different is life now than back then.
I was born in 1975, so this time period for me really is based on seeing old photos from my grandparents in their prime adult social life and my parents in their teenage years.
I will see if I can dig up some old photos...

I loved some of the lines in this film (not to mention the colors!)

One of my favorites was when Peter's character says (around 17 minutes into the film):
"I love a good laugh don't you? Makes the world go round. It's good to have a laugh."

I personally think you need to have a good laugh as often as possible to get through this life...

After watching the film, I knew what color palette I wanted to send to Malin.
And pulling from my stash, the items just jumped out at me.

Fast Forward a few weeks: we received each others soup, drooled quite a bit, then started to create...

With the movie loaded in YouTube, and my soup from Malin in hand, I ventured down into my basement studio where I sat down to this craziness.
First thing I did - clean up the mess and give myself some table space.
Then I laid out the soup and turned on the movie.
Immediately the sounds of the period and colors of the outfits and home decor started to come to the surface.
And the comedic awkwardness of Peter's character in so many situations, and how he deals with it - well, let me say - I can relate. I can SO relate...
And the inspiration as a whole - I want to make finished items that could be worn to a party like that - but for today...
Malin's Soup To Marsha
I love how Malin captured SO many of the colors from the film in her soup she sent me.
The dancing girl was great fun to watch. Again - awkward.
To me that dancing girl is going to be relating to these pink and purple beads.
I think the blue green of the pool may come into this piece too.
Pink Purple Palette and Yellow Purple Palette (for two different pieces).
These pieces in these two sets will be worked into necklaces.
I even found a perfect strand of rich muted yellow beads in my stash to go with these!

And there are SO many ideas brewing.
I'm grouping these bits and pieces into related piles that then I will focus on individually.
I plan on create sets that can be worn together.

Here is a peek at couple of almost finished pieces in a color palette I am comfortable working in...
And hello - Spiral! Of course you would be my first pick to work with!
Marsha Neal Studio Bead Soup Peek.
I am very curious to see what comes about from all of these bright colors that I rarely ever work with.
But I'm feeling good about this challenge after a few hours of working on it today.

I feel I should also mention that I am not a sketcher-designer,
but rather a go with inspirational images from my head 
and see-what-comes-out kind of designer.

Let's hope it all works out by the reveal date on August 25th!

Want more of Marsha and Malin's Soup?

Follow me on FaceBook for lots of updates!

Thanks for taking the time to read all this!
Happy hopping if you are enjoying your time reading through the Bead Soup Posts!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

In The Studio

I have been sneaking in some bead making time in the last couple of days - want to see?!
Making discs into donuts.
Discs into bead caps.
Testing glazes layered upon each other.
Overall - having Fun!

Will be doing an Etsy update later next week once I get some glazing done.
(blogging from phone - will hopefully get to fixing pics in a bit)...

Color Inspiration for Beads of Clay Blog

Being part of the Beads of Clay Professional Artists Team gives me the privilege to work with a number of top ceramic artists in the handmade bead industry.

One thing that we're doing as a team is being inspired by Brandi Hussey (Brandi Girl Blog) and her amazing color palettes.
Over on the Beads of Clay Blog, there is going to be a monthly Color Inspiration post with a couple of her color palettes inspired by an upcoming season or holiday.

July's Color Inspiration palette is based on Brandi's Pier Palette:

And here are some items that are inspired by this palette:
Marsha Neal Studio Pier Palette Textured Disc Beads donated to the BOCPAT Etsy shop
Hand Painted 2mm Silk Knot Bundle via Marsha Neal Studio Etsy shop.
Marsha Neal Studio Textured Disc Beads: Sky Cowgirl Palette
Marsha Neal Studio Line Curls Crescent Pendants: Watery Blue Glaze
Make sure and stop by the Beads of Clay Blog to see what items other members of our team have posted for this palette.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Last Day To Enter!

I just thought that I would do a quick post to remind you that TODAY - July 25, 2012 is the last day to:
1. Get 20% off your purchase of any of the Kerry Summer Palette listings in my Etsy shop by using checkout coupon code: KerrySummer (only for the Kerry Summer Palette Please!)

2. By using that code on one of the Kerry Summer palettes by midnight tonight (EST) you also get entered into a drawing to win a bonus set of beads in your style and color choice!
So far there are 3 entries!

3. If you comment here on this blog for every action you do, you will get entered into a second drawing!
(comments on the original post and this post will be counted together):
Share via Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Sign up for my email newsletter, follow me on FacebookTwitter, follow this blog, etc
I will pick a random commenter from these two posts on July 26, 2012 to win one of the Kerry Summer Palette bead sets (your choice of shape)!

***Please do not use the KerrySummer coupon code for purchasing multiple listings that are not in the Kerry Summer Palette. If you would like to purchase more beads before yours ships, you can use coupon code: FREESHIP for your additional purchases before your original order ships.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Update

That's about all I can say about the past few weeks. Birthdays, bridal shower, family visiting, beach trip and volunteering, lots of crafting and planning and all the regular family crazy stuff going on...

I love being busy (but I miss the studio creative time)...

Here are a bunch of pics that I will reorganize in a few hours when I pick up the laptop (blogging from phone seems like that will be my only way of keeping in touch in amongst the craziness...)

Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Me and my step-sister at her bridal shower.
Tissue Paper Pom-Poms.
Favor bags for the little girls at the shower.
Don Pablos dinner for Dave's Birthday (on the way back from the beach).
Adorable kid art.
Bead sets being made for Bead Fest Philly (D7 Studio booth)
Disc beads and donut beads being formed.
Marsha Neal Studio Pier Palette Textured Disc Beads

How crazy has your summer been so far?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bead. Set. Done. Next. Don't forget about the drawings!

Whirlwind times are upon me.
About two weeks ago when I was planning out an extremely full July - I really thought, in my head that we were in August already (that is a FULL schedule!).
Do you ever have those times?
The thought of no time makes me grumpy though...

I am enjoying some of the added crazy: Birthdays - lots of them, including Dave's. Trips to the beach. Planning for a Bridal Shower - bring on the craft, planning, shopping and all kinds of stuff!
Then add in some family drama spice, a few medical issues, and you've got a great cup that is just about to break the surface because it is SO full.
But I seem to get more done under pressure.

To eek out some time for my work, I have been up 2 hours early, and going to bed as soon as the kids are asleep. So here are some pics from my studio as I glazed and fired up some bead sets this last week so I could at least keep on top of my business (have to pay the bills...)

Marsha preparing to glaze beads.
Marsha's Beads glazed and ready for loading into the kiln.
First layer of beads into the bottom layer of the kiln before glaze firing.
Same set of beads, after the Glaze firing.

Marsha Neal Studio Beads on Rods out of the Glaze Firing
Sorting of the beads into handmade "matching" pairs.
Sorting of the bead pairs into their palettes.

Bead Sets are all strung up and ready to ship!
I'm also working on building up a bit of stock for D7 Studio to sell at Bead Fest in Philadelphia (shared booths #261 & #360).

Make sure you get your beads and get entered into the bonus drawing!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Overnight Sprinkles

With this heat of summer upon us, I have been spending most of my time in the basement studio, working on my clay work.

But this morning with the cool moist air I had to spend some time wandering around the garden perimeter while the coffee was brewing...