
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Finally... A new beginning


Mark another thing off my list of "One Day I'd Like To Do That"... I've got my blog.

I feel like I've been out of my own body for the past few years and on a bit of a roller coaster. It all began when my business stared to take off. Sometimes I can hardly believe what I have accomplished in 5-6 years... Then there are times where I feel like I've recently accomplished nothing in the studio.

So now I'm getting off that wagon and will crack the whip to get myself back on track. With a lot of help and encouragement from my family and friends I am taking small steps to get things organized so I can spend more time doing what I want instead of constantly feel like I'm treading water.

I plan on posting on this blog at least a few times a week. If you are a fellow passenger in my boat of procrastination in starting your own blog - here is your kick in the butt to get out and get started. It's all through Google - just get an email account with them (like gmail) and get started!

Now to figure out how to do pics and such!

1 comment:

  1. Whee! Sending you a big warm welcome to blogland! It is great to see you here!


I would love to hear what you think…