
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Remembering Mom's Birthday...

Yesterday was my mom's birthday.
She would've been 55 (and what a party that would've been!)
She has been gone for almost a year now - that anniversary falls on September 12th.
My siblings and I got together at my house to celebrate the day of her birth.
We made meatloaf & mashed potatoes (one of her staples).
And yes Nick, we will make something different next year... (you can cook!)
We toasted her with her favorite beer: Miller Lite.
We even washed a bottle and took a picture of Chloe with it...
We sat around and laughed at memories from growing up - as always!
Good times continue, even though they aren't quite as bright.
Keep making new memories for more talks around the table...

We love you mom...
We think of you always...
You are in our hearts and on our minds...
And we know you are with us...

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