
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Buridan's Ass: decisions actually...

Ok, thinking a bit more about Burdain's Ass brings me to the conclusion that I won't "starve" because my life will be fulfilled with being a mom, being a wife, being an artist (of sorts), being a friend, and all the other things that I want in my life...

I have decided and without really realizing it... Now I just have to be conscious about the decisions I make and how they affect my being a wife and mom. I have taken certain steps in my life to get to this point and I am very satisfied with them. I don't live through regrets or second guesses. 

I welcome the realizations that come with making mistakes (may not like the consequences though).

So my choice is to put efforts forth to make sure that I don't overwhelm myself and by putting my small family unit before all else as often as possible. And with that, it is time for me to get into the studio and start to work on pendants & orders so I can have time later to dedicate myself to Chloe & visiting with family and not worrying about all the "business" stuff I need to do.

Thanks for reading my venting... Motivation is here, and along with some coffee and sunshine outside - is here to stay for the next few hours...

1 comment:

  1. Marsha, years ago I made a little handdrawn 8x10 sign and put it on wall. "Follow the path with heart".

    Trust me- three kids, a divorce, 30 plus moves, losses etc all keep tugging me from that message.Now I see it was guiding me all the way; not perfectly but never the less it was a guiding force.

    I agree with Lisa.. follow your heart. You are so young and so accomplished.. there are light years of opportunity ahead to enjoy family and your work.

    Hugs, Joan and Lana


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