
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PA Guild of Craftsmen show in Wilmington

One of my favorite Craft Shows:
The PA Guild of Craftsmen
will be here in Wilmington, DE in just a couple of weekends!
July 25 & 26, 2009

I can't tell you how much stuff I've bought from artists at this show...
Not to mention how much stuff has sneaked it's way into this house from this show over the years...

I have a group of friends that usually try to get together for lunch and some crafty shopping during this weekend, and I'm hoping that it comes together again this year.

This year there is a contest for giving away some free admission tickets & a $65 gift certificate! And I'm hoping that I can get my hands on either!

If you are going to go or would want to go, check out the blog for details on winning!

Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog post. Good luck with the drawing for the gift certificate, it'll be drawn on july 22nd. We hope to see you there either way!


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