
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some Time Off...

I had a bit of an epiphany this morning...
I was out watering the garden with my little garden helper (Chloe - we found a little toad and were checking it out before letting it go into the garden) and had a moment of clarity...

 I should listen to Dave and my sister Wendy: schedule yourself a set amount of time and designated day to do things.

Frustration and Guilt are two things I cannot stand to feel.
Frustration because I am thinking about doing way too many things...
Guilt because I'm doing something other than I am thinking about, and maybe enjoying it...

And I feel both when I have orders that I need to be working on because
1. Things need to be pulled or created to fill the order
2. I have this business as my "job"

But there are times where I just want to sit on this computer and write or read blogs, catch up with friends and family on FaceBook.
There are times where I want to disconnect the computer and spend time with the little ones or in the garden or with extended family and friends...
Sorry Dave, notice "cleaning the house" isn't a priority on the list...

And when there is an order in studio, I feel the guilt and frustration settle in because I feel that needs to be priority. Priority as respect for my customers, and priority because I have this overwhelming guilty feeling of having to have a contributional income to this household. 
Right now, Dave carries everything on his back. 
And he's strong overall, but I think it's unfair to him...

So it does make sense to have time designated to work. 
Now if I could just stick to it for the one day a week (Thursdays) that I have to do it. Oh, and also during Riley's naptime - but that seems to be the time when I get on the computer the most.

Darn ADHD or rather my interest in anything and everything around me...

See, Riley is now waking up, and all my time that I had to spend cleaning glaze holes was spent organizing blog post labels, adding new blog pages, and writing this post (and reading and commenting on others). Oh well... maybe I will have another cup of coffee and get stuff done in the studio later tonight...


  1. i often think about that type of time organization because i never seem to be able to do what my mom once told me... and that is to 'be where you are at'... she didn't have any clue she was onto the being present thing! i may have to think about this to - i could be clear with my (older) kids about a certain amount of time... then they wouldn't be upset - because during a show i might scoot off to pound out some copper discs, then i end up working them, oh yeah, and then running into the garage for enameling or whatever... so it might be a good thing... thanks for this!

  2. Hang in there Marsha. This is the time that you want to be present in the moment. I missed so many of those frog-frolicking moments and I regret it. They will never come again. As for the clean house? That is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing! It is never ending. I don't do scrapbooks, even though I take lots of pictures (okay, let's face it, they are mostly of jewelry), but I like to say that I live it. So go on with the living of the live and just shoo those dust bunnies under the couch for awhile longer. Kids won't wait.
    Enjoy the day!

  3. I think toad time should be the priority. Those magic moments never come back. But I do understand the 'guilt' you feel about the studio. I don't even have all of the other things to juggle that you do and I feel that guilt if I don't stay on task. But sometimes you have to let go and do what is right at the moment. And coffee is pretty danged important too. Love my coffee and my blogs and my books and sometimes even my studio.


I would love to hear what you think…