
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Drawing and Giveaway Questions - Need Your Input Please...

So I have this idea… 
About generating more money for donations through and for "My Mom Pattie".

This would be a way for me to collect more money to achieve my goals to raise funds to donate to special non-profit organizations in memory of my mom (Pattie)…

Right now I want to reach a goal of $2,500 to donate to Tri-State Bird Rescue to have a small room or outdoor area designated in her memory… (still need @ $2,000 to go).

I ran it by Dave to see what he thought, and he is unsure of how much actual interest it would generate… So now I turn to you, my blogging audience...

For $25 you would get 12 chances (1 chance a month) to win a $50 Marsha Neal Studio merchandise gift certificate to be used through my online shopping cart or Etsy shop towards a retail priced purchase (to be used by August 31, 2011).

I would be "selling" these chances until August 31, 2010. 
So there would be a set number of entries every month...
You could buy multiple chances…

That means every month I would be doing a random drawing for $50, starting September 1 (which happens to be my mom's birthday…)

The monies raised through this would go towards the room at TriState Bird Rescue in the name of "My Mom Pattie". If it happens to raise more money, then the overflow monies would go towards the next non profit (like the Leukemia and Lymphoma society… My mom, Pattie, died of AML in Sept. 2007).

To generate comments about this idea, I think I will have to offer a "giveaway" to commenters on this blog post (not on FaceBook).
So let's do like I did for the FaceBook Fans Giveaway… 

Put a comment on this post in regards to my idea (is it viable, questions, concerns, etc…) by July 27, 2010: midnight EST and then include your favorite glaze color at the end of your comment (see my website or previous blog posts for colors) for one of my cutout flower pendants. I will pull one random number from all the comments and that person will get the cutout flower pendant mailed to them on a silk ribbon that matches…

Thanks for your input…
If it looks like a good idea, I'm going to be starting to sell chances on August 1, 2010…

Thanks! Really...


  1. Having been very active in Relay For Life (American Cancer Society) for many years, the only concern I have is that you are sure to give donors a receipt that they can use for their taxes, if desired. Donating to a non-profit is tax-deductible. Otherwise, I think it is a beautiful tribute to your mom!
    And $25 for a chance at up to $1200 worth of your product - WOW!
    (And, if I win this one too - I'd let you pick your favorite glaze to send to me...)

  2. Like that idea. How about creating a specific piece for sale, that is only available through online or etsy to raise money for the cause, perhaps one of a bird, flower, etc in a limited edition......

  3. Marsha, I think it's a lovely idea and a great prize for the winners! It would fall into the category of raffle/lottery though which would have some hoops for you to jump through...I know each state has different laws regarding this type of thing, I'm not sure what the implications are if you are offering it online- therefore to multiple states... Also to my knowledge, it's not tax-deductible for the purchasers, it's not a donation if it's a lottery/raffle as it's considered gambling.

    I like Vicki's idea, it avoids the raffle issue... I hope whatever direction you choose is wildly successful!

    fave glaze or yours right now, ocea but I like everything you do :)

  4. Thanks for the input! I have been working on odd things all day and new ideas for this keep popping into my head. I think maybe I will do it monthly instead of annually. And make it for something specific that then the "buyers" of that thing could be entered into a monthly drawing. Then donate x-amount to "my mom pattie" dedications…

    Hmmm… more to ponder over… Thanks!!!

  5. Interesting thoughts Marsha. I was wondering about the legal issues as well. I think the chance to win anything of yours would be a dream. I keep favoriting your flowers. The deep blue and the more turquoise color are calling my name!!!! I think that offering something special would be a good idea. What about silent auction type thing? I know that Andrew Thornton did that recently, but I am not sure if he met his goal. Best of luck with it, and I will be watching!
    Enjoy the day!

  6. I just posted about it on my blog! I hope you get things figured out so you can raise money for such wonderful causes, all in memory of your beautiful mom!

  7. Thanks Everyone! I have been having a lot of thoughts on this whole thing and will be posting new ideas.

    Oh, and Riley picked a winner this morning (Chloe was off her game and was not in a good mood, so Riley got to pick the winner)… Will post the pictures - Congrats Cindy (Higgins Design Studio)… Being #1 posting suits you well… Both my kids like pulling your number!


I would love to hear what you think…