
Friday, September 24, 2010

Self Portrait Friday: Tolerance...

There are some days where my hormones seem so out of whack…
That I have way too much coffee…
That I am itching to just jump out of my skin…
(need to have more physical activity - maybe kickboxing would be good)
I love this cat. I hate her attitude…
She bites people. She hisses at my kids. She poops on the floor (mental thing - automatic cat litter scooper scared her - like 10 years ago - now she thinks pooping is going to make something come up and bite her in the butt). And now she has started to pee on the floor in the basement. My studio is in the basement. We have teeny tiny windows (none of which open easily or without lots of pain in the butt effort). Can I just say that the ammonia is burning into my brain and making me furious… This is the second carpet in the basement. Some days I'm ready to "take her to the farm"...
But then again… 
maybe not…

There are so many sides to this…
For now, we deal, we clean & clean…
We replace carpets…
But I tell you what… 
The first time she bites one of my kids, that's it…
There will be no more "we need to talk about the cat"…
Because she will be wearing out her welcome - big time…

If she were a dog - she would not be getting away with this.
They don't have the luxury of "having an attitude" and running to hide and sleep all day to avoid human contact unless they are hungry…
They don't bite people many times and draw blood so often and get away with it...

What does this say about me as a person?
I think it puts me right in the middle of things.
Some would tolerate it until no end…
Some would have taken her to the farm a long time ago…

Sorry. My children take priority.
Stop biting, hissing, peeing and pooping outside the litter box and we will be ok…
If she could only understand...


  1. she is NAUGHTY!!

    I wish i had some advice, just hang in there. Maybe rub her nose in it !?

  2. You know, I don't know what it is about cats that makes us put up with some of the most atrocious behaviour. My mom used to say that you never own a cat they just consent to live with you for a while. I think that about sums up their independent nature perfectly. Good luck with your little monster cat.

  3. There were some cats like this one where I grew up, and I didn't like them at all. I never had cats in my life, but when my daughter wanted one when she was five I was not too thrilled.... it turned out to be Sassy was the total opposite, she lived to be thirteen and sadly we had to put her to sleep last year. Having her made me more tolerant of cats. But I am like you if one were to bite my kid, other arrangements would have to be made.

    I hope yours is smart enough to read you and know that hat would be a no-no.

  4. I have a problem kitty, she gets stressed out and attacks people on occasion. Someone told me about a product that is synthetic cat pheromones, from their cheeks, what they rub on you when they are is called Feliway or felliway, and it works! My cat was worked up and growling/stalking a person she has never liked, and I stepped in and spritzed some of this stuff and she stopped yeowling and sat down, looked a little confused, but did not can get it in a spray or a plug in like an airfreshner if you need it all the time
    Not affiliated with this stuff, just use it with my aggresive cat


  5. My friend Jenny was just telling me about her luck with the cat pheromones (she uses the plug-in kind and keeps refills on hand). With my luck she would start to pee in other places - but it's worth a try… I often say aloud "oh, there is Stinker (yes her actual name - eek!), on her way to the farm soon". But really, I don't think I could ever take her… Maybe she was supposed to be one of those cats to use the toilet and she is just mad that Chloe got to do potty training before her… Oh, kitty...


I would love to hear what you think…