
Friday, September 3, 2010

To Do List - Getting Done...

I have been super busy taking pictures, cropping them, naming them, all the while juggling Riley being home and only napping here and there… 

So it's been a busy few days for me.

I'm seriously considering listing things up on Etsy only once, maybe twice a month…

I'm missing out on my garden photography time! And that makes me a bit grumpy...
Porcelain Halloween Ghost Pendant in the My Mom Pattie Etsy Shop.
I am however working on getting the new halloween pendants into my Marsha Neal Studio Etsy shop.
Just in time to help you get chances to win Marsha Neal Studio gift certificates during:
2010 "Honoring September"
Click on the Magnolia picture on the blog sidebar for details.

There are plans on re-photographing all the silk strands for my website overhaul. 
I spent the day today pulling one of each kind in every color. 
Pshew - glad that is done…
This is what I have in mind for the actual photographs (in better lighting) for each of the colors.
What do you think?
Hand Painted Silks #0 Almost White in Silky, Fairy and 2mm.
So on my mom's birthday (9/1), I was on a mission to get some pieces up into the My Mom Pattie Etsy shop. 
Finished pieces… 
I had wire wrapped a few of the halloween pendants the other day…
Halloween Porcelain Pendants pre-oxidation.
The sterling needed to be darkened though… 
Too bright for what I had in mind.

Now if I could only find the Liver of Sulphur… 
It hides somewhere in the midst of my jewelry/beading/metalsmithing area.
I know it's in a place that "makes sense" to store it.
That place where you can never find it again…. 
I just saw it the other day - dang!
Ah-ha - Found it (on a shelf, in a basket, behind a bin…)

See… Much better - more in the feel of "old and decrepit"
Porcelain Halloween Pendants with oxidized sterling silver for My Mom Pattie Etsy Shop
I also picked up some glass etching cream from AC Moore the other night…
Which was an adventure in itself…
Not just because the store is being remodeled and things are rearranged…
But because I decided to have dinner with Chloe & Riley out…
By myself…
Then go to the store…
All was ok until the potty training accident…
 Then add a screaming baby not wanting to be put in stroller while I helped clean up #1's #2 to the mix...
But we dealt just fine…
I'm a prepared mother (usually…)
Marsha Neal Studio Etched side of pendants.
Etching and Patina all in one morning - WOAH Nelly!
I was on a roll...
Light a candle over here…
Spray the NeutraAir over there…
All in preparation for the Liver of Sulphur…
No Dave, that stink wasn't from me. 
And no, I'm not cooking with rotten eggs… ;)
Marsha Neal Studio pre-etched side of pendants. 
It was great… 
I can't wait to etch more of my pieces.
And to make more jewelry!

NOTES: I used the cream glass etch. 
Wish I could find my bottle of liquid Etch-All (in that hidden place…). 
Different glazes take different amount of time to etch. 
Some of my glazes won't etch easily (not even after 10 minutes) - they are that hard. 
Others etch quickly (like 4-5 minutes).

Oh, and a quick picture from Beading night...
My work area for Bead Night. Little rabbit pendant is from Jenny Davies-Reazor.
Now I've got the jewelry making bug - darn you beading night!
Which is such a good thing for me, but bad for my plans of getting organized.
Maybe I should make another "Bead Night" my prize for getting organizational goals reached…

Thanks for stopping by!

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