
Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 2nd Saturday State of Your Studio for BOC

Here is a look into my clay studio as part of the Beads-of-Clay Blog Second Saturday State Of Your Studio blog posting...

I have been cutting out some cabochons for some orders...

And have these nature texture test tiles drying for my October BOC glaze post next Friday (on crawl glazes).

Then there is the ongoing studio reorganization...

My office/business area has been somewhat cleared of boxes & new shelving is in place. I will be moving packaging area up here very soon.

All the holiday decorations have a new shelf too - and bins with lids to be sorted into as we decorate and put away this season... No longer spewing out into the path for walking.

This oil tank takes up too much space - but is necessary.

And I needed a place for a white board to do list (organization = knowing what needs to be done = better time management = less stress = more free time for being creative). This is my goal! I will get there :)

So this decal whiteboard from Target is perfect! And already being put to use so I could take my few day break to visit family and not stress about all the stuff I need to remember to do when I get home and back to it...

See, already less stressed...

Well, until I look at this bead and jewelry area. But that will be last because I can spread it out once I move the packaging area up front.

All this space will be opened up and free for the taking by a much needed creative nook!

It is a little of everything right now. And that's ok with me. I am excited to rediscover all the things hidden in "one day I will get to that project" areas. Because those days are getting close. I can feel the excitement...

Thanks for stopping by!

-- Pictures Taken With & Posted From My iPhone


  1. i think that everything is looking wonderful! your business area will surely help to free up a lot of space in your creative nook -
    the new tile patterns are so great! cannot wait to see them glazed...
    have fun - no stress while you are away...

  2. Great use of the oil tank! If you can't lose it, use it. You are looking very organized indeed. Take care and enjoy your time off. Connie


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