
Monday, November 8, 2010

Obsessive Ways Of Creation...

Is it just me? Is it because in work in porcelain? I feel that sometimes I just can't pull myself away from making these...

I feel the same way about really good milk chocolate too (who am I kidding - anything chocolate!)...

To me these coils of clay marked then cut into even sections even remind me of the tootsie rolls that Chloe got for Halloween...

I can't help but to work in batches. Obsessively...

Especially when the clay has perfect plasticity & moisture...

I could sit and make these for hours...

In fact, that is what I did with our "extra hour" yesterday...

Phone app (or maybe it was me - I am completely ok with suggesting it was not the tech, but the user - at times...) made pics turn sideways - so I apologize for these...

Started making shards with holes at the skinny end...

There are many more casualties this way - but I must make some. Have been inspired by some great dangle earrings I "hearted" on Etsy the other day...

See - obsessed! Going to get them from the kiln right now to glaze them up...

Become a fan on my FaceBook page: Marsha Neal Studio to see pics from the studio as I am working on these new projects!

Jewelry making sessions are next!
-- Pictures Taken With & Posted From My iPhone


  1. well, you know how obsessed i am by them as well! good thing you like making them ~

  2. I think it is good to get in a rhythm. I was doing that with my 'simple truths~modern wisdom' necklaces this weekend. And see all the good that comes from it!
    Enjoy the day!

  3. God, now you have me obsessing on chocolate. Just the mere mention of it and then the 'tootsie rolls.' You've just about done me in. And yes, I work obsessively with certain shapes. I recently made 50 or so porcelain icicles in one sitting. I just could not stop!


I would love to hear what you think…