
Monday, January 17, 2011

Circles. A Constant Theme In My Life. And An Orb Zentangle Challenge.

Do you ever feel like things in your life run in circles, through cycles, sometimes spiraling out of your grasp? I do. Quite often. Maybe even daily…
Detail of Circle Challenge - with shading!
I think it has a bit to do with having this slightly obsessive personality - more controlling than anything…

I have lists, with lists for those lists.
My brain gets overwhelmed and nada gets accomplished.
I become the excuse queen...
This is one of my circles.
I am a professional non-finisher (can't there be income for that sort of thing - darn!)
A perpetual idea person...

Drives me nuts…

So I am super grateful to parameters. To deadlines. To structure.
Without those things I flounder all over the place.
This is not so good for a person that works at home for oneself.
Well, actually I work for my customers…
I make stuff for myself, then sell it.
I am really bad making stuff custom for people. I don't know why - I just stink at that…
I would say it is too much like work, but I like work.
I think I just don't do anything without parameters. When people say: just do what you like…
That is when I get to the point of too many ideas, and I don't do anything.
Those are the ways I make too much work for myself.

So being grateful for structure, I give you my drawings for this week's challenge for Laura over at "I Am The Diva CZT". Week #5 Circles (known also as orbs)…
Circles Beginning Parameters (thank goodness for parameters!)
Laura talked about how circles kept coming to her this week, and some of the meanings for her behind using them in her drawing… As I worked on this today, I had my immediate little family of four on my mind. Me being the center circle, my two little ones to my lower left and right sides, and above all of us, Dave (he is our provider, our protector… such a great person - really…).
Circles In Black & White
I kept thinking about a conversation that Dave and I keep having. It is kind of depressing, but truthful. This circle conversation about what is the monetary point to what I am doing. Did I mention that I get a bit obsessive about things that are new and I am getting into (a non-finisher). Not that everything I do has to be a source of eventual money, but having an income is quite helpful to paying bills. And with having two kids now there are more things to think about rather than just paying bills.
Circles Finished with Shading...
So as I'm drawing, as I am typing, my brain is racing. Ideas abound, but are they ideas worth pursuing? Is where I have been in my life with making porcelain pendants still going to work out? Not the way it has, that is for sure… But on a smaller scale? Maybe...
Here is a side view of the drawing...
For now I am going to keep at it. Keep drawing (this is where my inspiration starts to go from mental to actual)… Try to make some new things and actually list them on Etsy. Why does my brain always go to production mode - drives me nuts.

So that is it for now…
If you want to check out some of my other drawings Zentangle and the like: Click HERE.
And if you want to view this blog in whole, click the picture header and the entire thing will refresh (that is a cool thing about a lot of blog headers if you arrive on a blog from a direct url link - did you know that? Probably, I just figured I'd share if not)…

Have a great week all! I plan on spending the next couple of days actually working on some drawings that will give a lot of my pendants some cool tangle inspired edge looks… M.J. I am SO with you on how that back of the pendant looks - those edges are yummy!


  1. Great zentangle and post - professional non-finisher - love it - didn't realize I'm working on an advanced degree PNF (not PHd) - sad but true.

  2. Your work is beautiful, Marsha! Thanks for sharing the fun.

  3. I love your creativity, in the last photo I can see a beautiful round teddy bear...perfect!

  4. Love your Orbs tangle and your picture perspective is great. I feel like I'm sitting at your table experiencing your process.

  5. Oh my dear, I do so understand what you are saying. I myself, thrive on lists and often limit myself in creative expression just to stay on track. This tangle is a beautiful expression of your relationship with the people you love and the creative life that you live.

  6. Beautiful! What program do you use to create the wonderful 3D and side view effects?

    Bette Beau

  7. Wonderful! I love how you related the challenge to thoughts of your own family.

  8. Thanks everyone for the comments… Making a girl blush (and feel really good about spending my time doing something that my heart finds so fulfilling). I really love doing these drawings! Getting a bit more comfortable with the shadowing (that will take some experimenting & lots of practice to get it to look right).

    For my photos, I just use my iPhone camera app (you can use a digital camera too) and put it close to the image and let it focus. With the 3GS iPhone, I can tap the screen and it auto focuses to that point. Then I put it on my computer in iPhoto and crop it to a square usually. You can do this in just about any photo editing program (not just a mac). Camera phones have come a long way haven't they?!

  9. very beautiful! love the variety of orbs! delicious side views!
    i know this won't make you happier but you're not alone as a Pro-non finisher...

  10. Fabulous! I feel like I am on the Wild Teacup ride at an amusement park, spinning and changing directions.

  11. You are speaking what is in my heart right now Marsha!
    Hello, my name is Erin, and I am a professional non-finisher, too!
    That is where FOCUS is coming into my life.
    I LOVE your zentangles. I want in on making these too! I want to take my drawings to something that I would be delighted to use in my work, like you are doing with your pendants. That makes them so limitless in their appeal. I love the way they wrap around the edges. I love the thought that is going into your zentangles and I want to try my hand at that too. I just need to find the spark to start. Thank you for your inspiration.
    Enjoy the day!

  12. Wonderful!! Love the 3D shading!!

  13. Wow! I am enjoying your zentangle and blog post very much!

  14. I love how on the side view it looks like a mosaic floor in an old Byzantine church! Very fun! You are preaching to the choir about being an idea person. I say I'm a great starter! This year my word of the year is FINISHED. I kept thinking I was going to change it to something snazzier and but I like FINISHED. I'm embracing it and quite frankly it's scaring the begeezus out of me. we will survive! :)

  15. I too am a professional non finisher!! welcome to the PBF club!!LOL
    Great tangle! thanks for sharing your words as well as your circles(orbs))


I would love to hear what you think…