
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I have started to list the new Porcelain Lepidoptera Butterfly Pendants up in my Etsy shop…
Today is "Treasury Tuesday" over at our Delaware Etsy Street Team Blog, where we are trying to help promote our team members as well as the arts in Delaware through team activities…

One of our members, Rebecca Harkin of ChirpAndBloom, created this Treasury
Warmth and Patina:

Which features one of my listings for my new Crusty Porcelain Tiny Pendants…
And right now it is on page 2 of the Treasuries…
Wonder how far it will go? I think front page!!!

Click on over and check it out.

And by the way, if you want to do a treasury and it has anything to do with Delaware (Um - I live in Delaware… just throwing that out there ;). You can add your link to our DEST Weekly Treasury Tuesday Blog Post.

I'm hoping to get a couple of treasuries made tomorrow - one for DEST and one for Beads of Clay…
They are addictive…

Here is a link (DEST themed, but you can make it your own) to help you make one and get a photo of it.

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