
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Plans for March...

Winter is coming to a close…
The Hellebores are peeking through the leaf litter from last fall…
Snow no longer lingers and I hope we don't see anymore until December...
Hellebores late February 2011.
It seems like I have been waiting for March for so long…
Hellebores early March 2010.
It is the gateway month for spring here in Delaware…
Hellebores late March 2010.
Nights start to stay above freezing towards the end of the month…
Hellebores mid April 2010. Seed heads already starting to form.
So my garden and the woods beyond beckon us to come and visit to see what is waiting there for this growing season.
This year, March is extra special for me...
Not only because Riley is up and walking and can join us for our little hikes in the garden on his own two feet, but I feel that I about to start down a new path in my career…
It's a turning point in my life...
I start out on March 3rd for a 12-week course for Master Gardener Training.

My business Marsha Neal Studio will still be a main priority of course,
But I look forward to allowing this new education to soak in and penetrate my mind and see what comes out in my artwork and also in my garden.

I will be focusing on new work.
I have an inkling it will be mostly nature and garden themed…
Go figure…

Here are the actual events that are going on in March 2011 for Marsha Neal Studio:
Friday, March 4, 2011: DEST First Friday Art Walk on Etsy
Sunday, March 6, 2011 Beads of Clay Open Studio 1-4pm EST
March 1-31, 2011 Trunk Show at Emmi Beads in Clinton, NY
Ongoing Bead shows through D7Studio and Bead Shops.

If anything else comes up, I'll update this list.
Hope to see you online this month!


  1. I am so excited for you! This is going to be a busy year but I can see you will have lots of growth and lots of fun. I must tell you that your mom was one beautiful woman. Every time I look at your blog (which is almost daily) I see her smiling at me and I think I wish I could have known her. I bet you are a lot like her.

  2. We are seeing a little spring here as well. Temps have been reaching 70s and the iris are greening up. My iris are always the first thing to come to life here.

  3. Those pictures and the thought of gardening makes me wish spring was here. Your plans sound very fun and interesting. Keep us posted and enjoy.


I would love to hear what you think…