
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow Melts Into Crunchy Ice To Be Stomped On...

This was just the other day. 
Pretty soft to stomp on…
This following picture is Tuesday evening. 
After 2 days of melting temperatures, then refreezing overnight…
Chloe was checking out the areas she had previously stomped in the snow up on the front walkway...
I meanwhile saw some pretty ice areas to capture with the hipstamatic…
Like this one...
Ooohhh… And over there…

Oh, wait…


Never mind…
I do love her little cow girl boots…
And there is plenty of ice and snow to go around!

Want to see more funny with the little ones?
Ok. So we love Dr. Seuss.
Wacky Wednesday is on our read almost every night list of books.
Well, those Sutherland Sisters - they were wacky!
And so were some of the ladies we saw at the store...
"Yook Mom - She has NO feet! That's Wacky!!!"
("l" is pronounced "y" - we're working on that - but giggle at the way things come out sometimes - "can I have some chapstick for my yips?").
"No head! That is Wacky Too!!!"
Chloe, maybe you should put your head up there and I'll take a picture…
Oh - the things she and I are going to get in trouble with in the future!
She was pretending to be a little pig and I was going to blow her house of dresses down…
Lots of giggles were heard in JC Penney's dress department that day…
Meanwhile - Riley was at home with a stomach bug…
Two things here:
  1. He will not be going to play in dresses like his sister with messy hands and face like that. Must keep them clean or we would be bringing a lot home with us…
  2. I wonder if eating this much home-made gnocchi is what made him sick? He ate a full serving on Friday night, but got sick Sunday morning… So probably not. 

Here is a peek at unfinished backs to some of my "focus" tiles that are ready for glazing.
I just really liked seeing them lined up, face down…
I have a test kiln that should be unloaded tomorrow morning.
Then hopefully a day of glazing will be in my sights and not a day of taking care of a sick little boy…
Not that I would mind taking care of Riley - but I don't want him sick.
And I've got deadlines…
Oh, well - so is life!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. hope riley is feeling better... and how much fun is chloe? though seeing that brought back one of my scariest mom moments ever... em loved to go in the middle of the circular clothing racks... and she did one day, at about age 3... of course, it is ever so much more fun when mom is calling you to stay quiet - like you are playing hide and seek... except no one cued me in to the fact that we were playing a game... so nearing panic with tears in my choked voice - she finally revealed herself... those seconds when you worry that your child is missing are horrible... now i just get to worry when she is out driving at midnight and doesn't call -
    really nice, upbeat story, huh? sorry about that! i love her picture with her head on the dummy... :0)

  2. Chloe reminds me of my daughter at that age. I remember one time losing her in a department store because she crawled up inside one of those circular dress racks. I just looked up and saw MJ's story :-) I had that same panic. Her older brother found her by crawling around on the floor looking for her. He knew what the game was. Hope Riley feeling better. He's grown soooo much!

  3. so cute. When my youngest was in preschool she couldn't say "ft" - it would come out as "p" so she would run up to me and say "MOMMY! We made a crap today! want to see?!!" or Mommy, can I make a crap? lol I wrote down all the funny things my kids said when they were little - it makes a great read. I'm glad I wrote it all down because looking back in the book I realize that I forgot a lot of it.

  4. Thanks for the "slice of life" with your adorable kids. I have a photo of my (almost 22 year old) son very similar to that of Riley, and Chloe sounds so charming and sweet and funny, just like my (almost 20 year old) Christie always was at that age.... *sigh* I don't remember giving them permission to grow up before I do... Be careful not to blink!

  5. Thanks for sharing your stories… I hate the panic in even just the thought of your kid going missing. At this very same store I used to play in the racks that had the women's slips when my mom used to take me shopping… loved the silky stuff (so my mom always knew where to look first if I ever disappeared ;).
    My step brother pulled one of those big round racks over on top of himself - he must've been 8-10 years old. He was ok - but everyone freaked out big time. Scary…
    This shopping trip we were with my sister - she was shopping and Chloe and I were just being goofy wasting time. I don't even want to think about her growing up. I love this age she is at right now!
    And Riley is feeling better on the stomach bug end, but his last two bottom teeth (the pointy ones) are right at the surface, breaking through - so he's a fussy snot head. Hopefully all done by Friday when we are supposed to get into the mid 60's!


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