
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Models, Photography, and Etsy Enhancements...

I've always wanted to convey a bit more scale of my pieces that are in my Etsy shop to people that have not seen them in person. And what better way to do that then with an actual person…
Photo By Katy Timney
This is Claudia Twardus
She is not just a fantastic model, she is the jewelry designer & artist of Antica Treasures with an eclectic outlook on life (it shows through her art and being) and she is a fellow Delaware Etsy Street Team member. She has a blog too.
Photo By Katy Timney
This is Becky Kolpak.
She is also a local Delaware area model & artist that has studied photography, so she is a natural when getting in front of the camera because she understands what the photographer is looking for.
We all met here, on an early June day, just a couple of weekends ago.
The photo shoot was arranged by Katy Timney of Katy Rose Photography.
Claudia and I brought the jewelry, Becky & Claudia brought various outfits and small props, and Katy brought her camera, expert eye, and artistic vision.
Becky, Katy and Claudia know exactly what to do.
I just stood back and watched the three of them move together in this kind of dance.
It was amazing…
Photo By Katy Timney
You can just see how much fun everyone was having…
Photo By Katy Timney
And amazingly natural (I would be so awkward)
Both Becky and Claudia were able to change expressions…
Photo By Katy Timney
I really like this shot that Katy took of Becky sitting atop the stone wall, looking down over the water cascading out of it onto the creek below…
Photo By Katy Timney
And Claudia is just so charming…
Photo By Katy Timney
She had us cracking up the entire time with her comments about her poses and things she was thinking as she noticed little nooks and crannies where faeries might be found in this eclectic park.
Photo By Katy Timney
Thank you Katy.
Thank you Becky.
Thank you Claudia.
I can't wait to work with you all again on another photo shoot!

And here are a couple of screen shots of my Etsy shop:
My normal shop view - without models.
My updated shop view with models.
All still needing a bit more tweaking, but it's well on it's way to becoming more of a shop that I want it to be…

What do you think?
Have I reached my one goal to show scale?
How about the unmentioned goal of wanting to have these photos used in more treasuries?
I really think there is a balance to obtain for a happy Etsy shop.
Not just a successful one full of sales, but of something that helps to inspire you.

Oh - that gives me an idea for a giveaway…
Create a treasury and include one of my new shop photos featuring one of the models - which there will be a few more added as I get the time in the next couple of days, then link that treasury up below by July 10, 2011 and I'll pull a random winner for a $25 gift certificate to my Marsha Neal Studio Etsy shop.


  1. Wonderful! You've definitely acheived your goal and more with these photos. Thanks for showing us how it was done. These photos are fantastic.

  2. Thanks LeAnn - Great to hear from you! I think having models for pieces is going to be a bit of an addiction… It's like opening up a door to tell a whole different story - which makes me want to start to tell more stories for each piece… :)

  3. This posting is so lovely! My heart is full of joy and excitement right now!!!!! Katy is amazing and your jewelry is soooooo to die for...thank you very much for the opportunity to model it.

  4. Claudia - I can't wait for you to model more of it :)
    I moved your blog link from the treasury link on the end of this post, to the actual blog post, added it to my side blogroll and the Delaware Etsy Team Blog Blogroll as well - three from one :) Now I can keep up with your blog too!

  5. It looks like a good time was had by all! Photography is such an important piece of marketing - it explains the art so clearly...

  6. Finally finished my treasury! What fun :-)
    Check it out...


I would love to hear what you think…