
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Enough Already - Spa Day (Sorta)...

Do you find yourself where I am right now?

In that place where you just feel overwhelmed and frustrated?
Just because there is SO much going on, and you can't seem to get anywhere?

I feel like that about a few things, and as of today, the foot is going down…
Laptop is being backed up.
Then files deleted.
I am sick of seeing that "you are running low on hard drive space" message.

I'm running low on a lot of things - patience being one of them…

So today as my computer is getting a "spa day" - my brain will be too.
I am going through my Inventory on my Etsy shop and in photos in my "Etsy February Update" folder.
There are sub-folders too with April and Now in that February one.

I feel so much better after going through stuff to see what I have listed...
What I have photographed, need to be listed…
And photographed, already listed and maybe sold…

I love purging days.
Then to get to my Quickbooks so I can finally get some correct perspective on where my business stands in reality and not just my brain (cause I know my brain lives in a fun place, and not necessarily reality most days).

Hope you are keeping cool if you are in this unbearable heat wave…

Oh, and keep an eye on my Etsy Shop for updates in the next week.
I've got plans for photographing a bunch of items that have been coming out of the kilns in the last few months that are yummy...


  1. I am with you Marsha! I have had to purge a lot lately as well. I need a new back up system. Or really any back up system. I have been absent from my studio so long there is dust on beads and that is just not cool! I hate dusting! And I have something I need to send you for the My Mom Pattie shop...take a deep breath. That is what I need to do too.
    Enjoy the day.

  2. Oh yes, I know that over load feeling so well. It's pretty awful and not terribly productive. My hat's off to you taking time to do the computer purge. Mine needs one too. I think I should follow your lead and just devote a day to it. You stay cool too. I woke up this morning to foggy windows from the humidity. Sheesh, it was 6 am. No outside for me today!

  3. Oh, if only we could have a few days a month to catch up on all this crap. It's like house cleaning… it gets to the point where things start sending you messages (like my computer telling me "no more space!!!"). Like dust bunnies that start to swallow the kids toys…
    Actually we have hardwood floors, so we often do a quick sweep with the electric sweeper & Riley and Chloe both love to use it. Riley goes to the closet and gets it out himself. Not that he is all that great at doing it, but hey - the effort is there :)

    I happily got all of my Etsy shop updated and inventory gone through and sorted. Now I just have to list things I've got photographs for and photograph other new things… Pshew…

    Hope you are keeping cool!

  4. I know exactly what you mean! I'm in the middle of it right now too.


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