
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Morning Light At The End Of Summer...

I am inspired by the thoughts of cool mornings…
At the End of Summer…
And the way the Morning Light shines through...
Morning Light At The End Of Summer by Marsha Neal Studio
This is my newest Etsy Treasury that I've created with a gathering of some of my recent favorite things.
Would love for you to stop by Etsy and comment on this Treasury Collection
Thank You!

The kids are off to school and I am into the studio for a bit before running to my diagnostics shift for the Master Gardeners (going to see if I can help diagnose what is wrong with samples of plants or ID insects that are dropped off - I get to play with a microscope!!!)


  1. you make the most beautiful treasuries... enjoy the microscope!

  2. I hope your treasury makes it to the front page!


I would love to hear what you think…