
Monday, March 5, 2012

$5 Pendant DeStash Sale Going On!!!

Over in my Etsy shop, I'm holding another $5 pendant De-Stash Sale.
The last one was back in November, and this will probably be the last one for a while.
Actually I don't plan on making or glazing any pendants until maybe next fall.
March is here, and the garden needs tending through June, so I will spend a lot of time there (overhauling it)...

Marsha Neal Studio Small Pendant Sets
I have a bunch of small pendant sets above (ideal for earrings) that I'm going to be listing in grab bags.
Marsha Neal Studio Medium Pendants
Also, during this destash sale - for every 5 pieces you purchase, I'm going to be throwing in wrapping up a medium (above photo) pendant of my choice to go with your color palette.

Marsha Neal Studio Handmade Bead Sets
And there are my new bead sets (above) that are being loaded into the shop as well.
I have a lot more of those to work on through the night & maybe Tuesday...

Marsha Neal Studio Face Book Page
Over on my Marsha Neal Studio Face Book page during this event, there are giveaways happening, so make sure you stop by and jump in on the fun (commenting, sharing things socially via FB, Twitter, Pinterest - listing things from my shop via the Pin It Button, Etc). 

And once you make a purchase and pay the $3 shipping - you can use coupon code FREESHIP to avoid excess shipping fees.

Update: Winners from the two previous blog posts for the Silk Color Palette Challenge have been picked!

Hope you get to pick up some pieces during this sale!

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