
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Etsy Shop Update Coming Very Soon!

I've gone through inventory.
I have photographed pieces.
I'm almost done cropping them...
Marsha Neal Studio Etsy Shop Items

In the next couple of days, I will be updating my Etsy shop with some new clay work!
Just in time for First Friday!!!

Keep an eye out - pieces might start arriving tonight...

And hopefully next week I will have time to start to glaze these beads:
Marsha Neal Studio Chocolate Clay and Porcelain Clay Beads (ready for glaze).

And enjoy some time in the garden watching all the plants with buds start to bloom:
Marsha Neal Studio Columbine In My Garden Starting To Bloom

If you are on my newsletter, you have been sent notice of this tonight and a couple of little extras in there for you! 
Want in on the next one? 

And keep up with me on:
Marsha Neal Studio Facebook
Marsha Neal Studio Twitter
Marsha Neal Studio Pinterest


  1. Marsha the green and yellow colors are so gorgeous and so appropriate for Spring.

  2. Hi Marsha,

    I love seeing all of your beads separated into boxes, you're always so organized.



I would love to hear what you think…