
Monday, August 13, 2012

Bead Fest or Bust 5 Giveaway Winners!!!

First - Thank You ALL so very much for shopping in my Etsy shop during this Bead Fest or Bust Sale!

I'm delighted to be giving all kinds of stuff away to the winners!
Winners are picked by Random Generator according to the date and each the listings sold are given a number according to the order that they were sold. Some duplicate listings (like silk knot bundles and bead sets) were purchased, so I apologize for any anticipated confusion.


New Bead Caps: Left = Friday, Middle = Saturday, Right = Sunday

Friday's Purchasing winner 
for the first pair of Bead Caps bought this listing:
OOAK Silk Knot Bundle #170
Friday Purchasing Random Generator

Saturday's Purchasing winner 
for the second pair of Bead Caps bought this listing:
Marsha Neal Studio Porcelain Shards in Glacier Glaze
Saturday Purchasing Random Generator
Sunday's Purchasing Winner 
for the third set of Bead Caps bought this listing
(this was one of the duplicate listings purchased!):
Marsha Neal Studio Textured Discs (Sky Cowgirl Palette)
Sunday Purchasing Random Generator


There are 2 drawings for $25 Gift Certificates:

Purchasing Winner 
Anyone that made a purchase during the BFOB dates Aug. 10 - 12, 2012
Was entered into this drawing. Each individual purchased listing gets an entry.
(This is the 2nd duplicate listing item!)
Marsha Neal Studio Silk Knot Bundle (all three silks): Simple Nature Color Palette
$25 Gift Certificate (Overall Purchaser) Random Generator
Blog Commenter
(in number order, according to comments from Tues #1-16, Thurs #17-23, Sunday #24-27 posts)
Congrats KayzKreationz!!!
$25 Gift Certificate (Blog Commenter) Random Generator

I didn't put names above for the purchasing winners because I'm never quite sure if you want your name out there...
So there are a few listings where people may think - Hey, I bought that one too!
I picked the winners in order of the listings sold by each date...
Sorry if anyone is confused or disappointed (no worries - I try to always make everyone's package special when I ship :)

Congrats to the winners!
Thank You All for supporting my business over and over again!
You keep this alive!

And REMEMBER ~ If you are one of my Newsletter subscribers and purchased with BEADYGIRL coupon code - shoot me a convo by Tonight (8/13/12) to let me know you are on it so I can put you into that special drawing just for my newsletter subscribers.
Drawing will happen Tuesday around 10am EST, so you must let me know or use the special code I sent you if you are purchasing through midnight tonight (8/13/12).

You can sign up here if you want in next time!

I've got to get back into the studio to get orders packed and shipped and to glaze some things before sending off my stock to Darlene of D7 Studio (Bead Fest Philly Booths #261/ #360).

Thanks again!!!


  1. I'm so excited. I had one of your bead sets hearted and then got busy and forgot to purchase. :( What do I need to do for my gift certificate? Thanks Marsha.

    1. Hey Kay! Just send me an Etsy convo with the style and color palette you want, and make sure to include your shipping address. I'll get them made up for you and sent out as soon as they are done :)

    2. Just sent you a convo. I'm having so much fun playing with my sils I got from you. I've used some of them for 2 pieces so far in my BSBP pieces. Can't wait to reveal them and see what everyone thinks.

  2. Just a quick Update - I've picked the Newsletter winners too (and will be emailing them directly! GB = $25 gift certificate. LL = Bead Cap). Thanks everyone!!!


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