
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Texture, Color and Pendants Galore.

I am drawn to texture and color.
To the way that the glaze moves down the piece and interacts with the texture...
I love brushing the glaze onto each piece.
Making sure that the glaze covers the front, sides and back.
I'm as addicted to the way the glazes look on each of these pieces.
To testing and trying variations.
To seeing how smooth these pieces are when they are out of the glaze firing...
And as we are getting closer to summer ending,
(wishful thinking as it is over 90 right now, with no break in sight)
I am ready to start to create for fall and winter.

So I am taking advantage of this being First Friday Art Walk Weekend to run a 30% off Sale on certain items in my Etsy shop.

Below is the last of my bead sets from earlier in the spring,
all marked down on sale for this weekend only!
All of the pictures above were just taken from my trays of stock that I have for my Etsy shop!
Over 200 pieces on sale at the start of this event!

These brand new bead palette sets are not included in the 30% off sale,
but you can get 10% off of them (your whole order actually) when you use checkout coupon code: BOCFFAW through Sunday, August 5, 2012 Midnight EST.

Every item purchased by Sunday, midnight automatically gets you entered to win a $25 gift certificate to my Etsy shop.
Sharing socially, then commenting on the blog post gets you entered...

Wow - I love looking at all those bead colors don't you?!
I really want to start to create for fall now!
And give my hand a go at some finished jewelry....
Bracelets and Earrings are calling me!


  1. Love the old and the new, especially those bead sets and butterflies! Love all of the colors too; it seriously is so hard to choose between them! I posted about your sale in Creative Bead Chat on Facebook:

  2. Oh Marsha, is there ever anything you do that I don't love? I can't wait for fall, definitely can't wait for the cooler weather!


I would love to hear what you think…