
Monday, November 12, 2012

Charm Exchange and Beads of Courage

Glass Addictions by Jen Cameron
When I saw an opportunity from Jen Cameron Designs (Glass Addictions) to create a handful of charms based on the word "Laugh" to swap with some fellow bead and jewelry makers, then send in extras for a donation for a Charm Auction with funds being sent to Beads of Courage - I was in!

I have always loved Beads of Courage and what each little bead means to the children that receive them.
As I thought about the design on my pieces to create, I thought about how these kids must feel every day going through all their medical issues.
I remembered how I felt after my mom had passed away from Leukemia and how I was trying to find my my muse in the clay studio, just trying to get back into the swing of the "new normal" life I was getting to know as a new mom...
I was so frustrated. A bit disheartened. A bit lost.
At that time I picked up some clay and some rubber tipped tools.
I started making spirals and lines in the clay out of pure frustration in not being able to just get back to the creative place I had been a couple of years before.

I still have those texture plates.
I love to pull them out and start to design with them when I need to find my muse again.
I am actually focusing a whole new line of small scale sculptures on those texture plates...

The new pieces make me happy.
They allow me to focus on my creativity.
They remind me that no matter what you are going through, there is always a better place ahead.
Even if you can't look and see it in an obvious way.
Things work out. No matter how. Things do keep moving.

So these little pieces I created for this charm exchange,
they are carved with the word "Laugh" on each one.
On the other side, they are carved with my muse finding spiral scribble texture.

As a reminder that no matter what you are going through, there is always a place for laughter.
It can help you get through the hard times.
And it can help you remember to be thankful for the not so bad times...

Stop by Jen's Blog and check out the other artists involved with this great little make and exchange.

And don't forget to visit the Auction that Jen is setting up to help raise monies for Beads of Courage!


  1. How cool that was for all of you!

  2. Replies
    1. I remember when my mom was getting a bone marrow test (very painful, core sample of bone - right at the hip) and through the pain, we joked about legs, looking like chicken legs - and something with shake and bake - trying to keep her mind off of the pain. Laughter does help those hard times. It's a powerful tool... :)

  3. Marsha, your story makes these charms even more special... your Muse has outdone herself for a good cause!

    1. Thanks! :) I really try to go through life finding the positive in anything. Some days it is easier than others. Finding memories, opportunities, and muses for laughter really helps get you through things. Thank you...

  4. I love your work, Miss Marsha, and hearing your inspiration behind it makes it more special. Thanks for sharing your talents in this swap. Enjoy the day. Erin

    1. Thanks Erin! Big hugs to you!!!! Loved seeing your work - so wonderful!

  5. Very sweet charms, and a lovely concept. : )

  6. Cute charms Marsha. Your charms are even more special after reading your story!

  7. What a truly special charm Marsha! I love the story, and I think that texture plate will always have a positive effect for you in your work. :)

  8. Those are really cute charms which become even more priceless when one learns the story behind them.

  9. thank you for sharing your talent - I love the charm - which has been made even more special to me now that i know the story behind it.

  10. Wonderful charms. This was a fun swap!,

  11. OH Marsha such beautiful inspiration and makes these charms so much more special. I agree there is always a place for laughter. I love your work!!

  12. Beautiful inspiration and charms, Marsha! And now I got to see who's in my group :)

  13. How cool! Such a meaningful inspiration! Just goes to show you, your mom is with you always. <3

  14. You can't send a better message, Marsha: follow your muse and laugh all the while!

  15. Love those sculptures up there! :)


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