We had such beautiful weather this weekend. Sunny with a slight breeze and the temperature peaked in the low 70's...
With having two little ones around, not much on the to do list gets done. It feels like weeks just go by and all we do is manage to get some laundry done. But this weekend was different. We had a great mixture of house cleaning and organizing, fixing leaky toilets, scrubbing mildew from the shower corners, unclogging drains (oh how I forgot about how much hair you lose after pregnancy), birth announcements and thank you cards done and mailed, oodles of piles accumulated were gone through and disposed of... It felt great!
And we even had time for outside fun! Thanks to Haley and Ali for starting this cool sidewalk chalk colored block decoration on the patio! I just LOVE it!!!

And I have to say, living in a suburban neighborhood has it's perks... We have probably the coolest group of kids living within a few houses of us. And they all like to come by after school and on weekends to hang out with Chloe and to help in the garden. And the girls are itching to babysit Chloe. Which for now, having them over so I can work on the garden (soon) will be such a blessing!
Last night, Dave and I actually got to sit and eat dinner alone while Riley slept and Chloe played 'kick the plastic bouncy ball up on the roof' with Mark (she just watches him and cracks up then runs around like a crazy person with arms flailing about playing airplane). And then he blew bubbles and she ran about and tried to catch them with her bubble wand and yelling "get back here bubbles" and squeals of happiness and "bubbles... more bubbles".
And I must admit... If she wasn't in school I don't think I would have the energy or patience to deal with her and a newborn all the time. And she wouldn't be such the great kid she is (her teachers are awesome and she learns so much there)!
So at some time in the very near future, Marsha Neal Studio will be going full throttle again. Not sure exactly in what direction (maybe some miniature things as garden treasures) along with the beads and pendants...
It's about time for some experimenting...
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