***See bottom of this post on how to win one of my pendants***
I was thrilled to be asked by Mary Harding via the Beads-of-Clay Blog about the process I use to create my Porcelain Decal pieces.
There are two other Beads of Clay artists that also contributed to the blog post through Mary, so check it out for all the details.
I wanted to post some additional pictures about the actual process here to give you a visual insight into how I make the pieces (to compliment what the BOC blog has on it)...
The following picture is of my normal work space when applying the decals to my already glazed (to Cone 6) pieces. Decals are cut out, pieces are laid out, and extras are on stand by in baggies. I dry fit the decals before putting them into the water bath. The towel on the table is there because I like to be able to get a little messy when working and not worry about dripping all over the place...

This picture is a close up of the warm water bath that the cut out decal pieces sit in to remove the paper backing and moisten the "glue" on actual decal. You can see one of the paper backings towards the top right of the picture.

Here are some of my Chickadee and Dark Eyed Junco, and a few abstract designs once they are in their final place. Notice how dark the image is before the Decal Firing (Cone 1).

And here is a bunch of my flower pieces. I liked having the images a bit smaller and off center so charms and other dangles can be hung from the hole without covering the image entirely.

A close up of some of my flower drawings as decals before they are fired in the kiln...

Here is a quick shot of the pieces in the kiln before the Cone 1 firing...

And after the firing... Notice the color change?

Here are some pieces out of one of my very first decal firings. And like anything, you keep testing to see how to make the pieces come out as you visualize. For me it was figuring out to put a very thin coat of glaze (not my normal 2-4 coats of glaze as pictured here) and firing to Cone 1 for the decals...

If you want to give this a try, you will have to be ready to run tests to see what will work best for you (well, really, what works best for the materials you are using).
For blank beads, check out my friend Marla's company:
Early in the year when I realized that I wanted to work more on the layout of the design on the piece rather than on the actual making of the plain porcelain pendants, I asked Marla if she could have my entire line (and then some) of my standard shapes and sizes made for me - and for her to be able to sell through her company (why reinvent the wheel right? and why not help support another artist and small business - especially when the quality of the pieces are out of this world!!!)
So that's what we're working on... well, I sent the sizes and shapes and she's working on it, I'm buying them...
And you can benefit by being able to just click and buy the same pieces that I use by going to her website and shopping. And she offers various clay bodies with different firing temperatures. Amazing!!! Lots more to come as the pieces are finalized...
Oh and check out the Bisque Bead Supply Blog as well. She's got news and contests on there!
For other suppliers, check out the Beads of Clay Blog link (for info and for where to get the laser-jet water slide decal paper)
And for those of you who have gotten to the bottom of this blog - a contest (2 actually)...
If you comment on this blog, you will be entered to win this:

My daisy flower on my large round porcelain pendant - on a black silky ribbon.
If you have a blog or website and post a link to this blog, then comment here with a link, I'll put you in a 2nd drawing to win the above pendant and some additional surprise goodies.
Chloe will be pulling the winners (from a box or hat of sorts) on Friday, August 7th.
Have fun!!!