Today is Dave's Birthday!!!
We woke up super early (not on purpose - Chloe was up about 2 hours early...)
And Dave has to work today in Philly which means he won't be home until late...
So Chloe and I are going to do our best at giving him a 35th to remember...
Right before Chloe went to school, she gave her dad three books for his birthday.
She picked them out herself at the book store:
2 Dr. Seuss books:
and Daddy Kisses

Dave and Chloe spend a lot of time reading books together.
He is such an animated reader and she eats it all up (as do I...)!
Dave is such a wonderful dad...
I seriously couldn't have asked for a better father for my children!

Yesterday as soon as we got this water table from Amazon he put it together so as soon as she was home from school, she could play with it.
After about 5 minutes we had her in just a diaper because her clothes were soaked and she was having a blast. At least we were smart enough to take her shoes & socks off before... we know now naked or bathing suit...
We also discovered that she is quite the ant hunter - big, little, she's got little fear...
With a mom that studied Entomology and loves Pixar's Bug's Life... No wonder...
And one of her favorite songs is the "Baby Bumble Bee" song, with "ouch" being her favorite part...

This is Chloe with her friend Sequoia hanging out at Milburn Orchards a few weeks ago.
Note to mommy when dressing Chloe for stuff like this - Goats like little pink overalls with white daisy flowers on them - they think they are real and try to eat them while your child looks at you with total alarm and not quite sure how to get away...

This structure is in the yard with the goats.
They climb all over it - and look like they have a blast!
The person that designed this really awesome (for design and just the simple fact that the goats enjoy this and aren't just in a pen cooped up all day)...
There is even a pully-conveyer belt thing with a metal cups (possibly an old small rectangular bell) that you can put goat feed into and dump for them up high. Some of the goats have figured out that after you put the food in, if they pull on the conveyer belt thing, they can get the food there before you have a chance to wheel it up for them... Crazy smart animals!!!
Got lots of other pics too of some of our summer adventures... just not the time to post too many...
Hope you are finding the time to have some summer adventures too!
very very cool! my kids loved the farm when they were small too - and do still! mmmm... pink overalls with flowers, and mittens! my daughter had her mittens snatched by a goat! the cow's really long tongue always got my kids screeching! and water is always so fun and harmless - as long as it isn't the dispenser on the front of the fridge! great post, happy birthday! enjoy your summer...