Hello Everyone...

During this event, 16+ Earth Clay Bead Makers will be hosting an open studio through their blogs to give you a bit of an insight into their creative, and often messy (we work with clay!) lives. During the event, they will be present to answer questions as time allows...
You will see pictures of their spaces,
Works in progress,
Their inspirations,
Something "fall" related from traditions, events, a recipe, or whatever comes to mind.
They have been asked to participate in two giveaways for blog commenters during the event, and to consider hosting some sort of "special" through their
Etsy shops for that day as well.
That means that there will be chances to get your hands on over 32 different treasures that day if you stop by during 1-4pm EST and comment on the appropriate posting on each blog.
If you can't stop by that day, make sure to catch up that night. Many of the Artists will be hosting their Etsy shop specials through Midnight that night... And the blog postings will remain, so you will have a lot of time to go back and spend some time in cyberspace, in their studios.
I thought I would take some time to quick post some links to some other Blogging Events and Studio Open House Blogging Events to help give the participating artists and the visitors a little insight into what to expect. Not saying the blogs will duplicate these, but talk about being inspired by the creativity of these Artists Blogging Events...

Artists, you've got a week to go now to pull this all together. I would highly suggest having everything ready to go before the open house so you can sit with a warm cup of cocoa and a fall treat of your own while viewing the other blogs and responding to comments and giveaways on your own blog...
Don't be overwhelmed... Have Fun!!!
Short checklist:
1. BOC recommended guidelines for open studio?
2. Are you advertising for the open studio on your blog right now?
I've created some
images for you to copy and paste for use on your side bar of your blog or in a blog posting or your website... If you have a newsletter, have you sent any info out about this event?
3. Have pictures taken, and blogs written, ready to be uploaded during the event.
4. Decide what your giveaways are going to be, and maybe post some pictures ahead of time to entice viewers to comment so they can have a chance to win the little treasures...
5. Decide on what your Etsy shop special will be for that day, and please run through midnight so people that can't make it to the open house will still have a chance to participate by purchasing your wonderful items...
6. Have links in each blog posting for the following
(for ease of visitor navigation):
(so visitors can click to other participating artists blogs)
Your Etsy Shop
(which should also have a link back to your blog)
If this event goes well, we will plan on doing more of them in the future...
So don't stress about having everything done and perfect for this one event.
People want to see into the lives of artists - and we know that often artist studios are in shambles during our most creative times.
Be yourself, be interesting, and add a touch of humor...
Everyone likes to be entertained and feel human once and a while...
Email me if you feel overwhelmed or have questions...