Ok, May 18th is my actual birthday...
So what did I decide to do on my birthday...
I decided that after a crazy morning of running around and checking FaceBook & emails...
That I would do something productive...
In the sense of getting that nagging feeling off my back and just get to it...
So I spent my birthday afternoon sorting through my garage...
Not an ordinary garage cleaning...
It was a go through the stuff from 3 grandmothers and 1 mother bins upon bins of stuff sitting there, wanting to be unpacked and out into the world again...
Here are some of the finds from my Grandma Neal's bins...

Above: antique shoe making...
(I also have some of my great-grandmothers shoes from around 1900)

Antique Coffee Bean Grinder, Antique Toy Stove, Antique Toy Sewing Machine

Antique Toaster (I just love the shape & overall design... what a magnificent toaster!)

A basket of old paperback books circa 1924...

Old pictures and pocket frames... family members? Not sure...

Some really cool pieces of her silver collection.
Not from a set she has, but probably ones she collected individually...

Old hand held mirror and body/face powder holder...

An old massage kit in a suitcase - pretty funky!

And speaking of hands and how wonderful they can be...
Check out how Chloe has deciding to use her hands and fingers to eat these black olives...
One more day of garage clean up for now, then I'm back into studio mode to get ready for Bead & Button... (booth 521).
I'm thinking that hands will have a strong influence in my upcoming work...
Oh, and Kelly (yes, you - Kelly with the pink hair sometimes... I think I'm onto something for that commissioned work we talked about). I'm going to let you read up on my blogs to see if you get it without me leading you into it... I think you will see the path...
Wow those ambrotypes are quite beautiful, so hard to come in lovely condition like those. I'm sure you will be keeping on to your grandmother's past jewels, but if you are ever thinking of selling them, I'd love to make an offer.