A day late of course...
But here are the winners of the three drawings from my Buy 2, Get 1 Free Sale:
Thanks to the help of the toy version of my husband: Pirate Dave
(how funny is it that we found a toy version of him - and a pirate too - argh... see previous post for old picture of Dave as Pirate).
Sorry, that Chloe couldn't help out this time...
We had a super busy weekend, and before I realized it - it's Monday morning and she is off to school (didn't even look back at me twice as she ran into her teacher's arms and then happily played with her friends - it was music time then art!!!)
Ok, so here are the three drawing winners:
Buy a Marsha Neal Studio porcelain pendant from a Bead Shop, Online Store or D7 Studio and contact me:
Winner gets Grab Bag valued at least $50 retail:
#1 Donna Pincus

Newsletter Special Shipping Code:
Winner gets Grab Bag valued at least $50 retail:
#4 Megan Arndts

$50 Spender:
Winner gets Grab Bag valued at least $100 retail:
#3 Jennifer Judd

I have a list of names, wrote the numbers next to them, and pulled blindly from our handy ice bucket for each drawing... And I apologize for not taking the time to write out everyone's name, but for some reason (like 5 weeks to go before my due date???) it is taking me FOREVER to get things done.
Congratulations Donna, Megan, and Jennifer!
Thank you EVERYONE for shopping during the sale...