Every 2nd Saturday of the month the beads-of-clay blog is hosting this blog event:
This is a great way for everyone to post pictures of their creative space on your blog
(I don't think it is limited to clay or jewelry making specifically).
Then link it back to the BOC blog.
So this is how my studio space looks today (as I am preparing for Bead Fest and my BOC Cone 6 glaze blog post next Friday):
In the middle of lots of glazing!!!

The above picture is of my slab roller / glazing area…

Here it is from an earlier/wider shot this morning when I first started…

Ugh - the dumping grounds. All the things that are in need of a place go there. Will better organize it soon…

This shelf does not meet my needs (too wide to support the weight of clay) and will be dismantled this fall during the studio makeover…

And this is my bead storage area. Not my Marsha Neal Studio clay beads - but rather the gazillion beads I have bought and traded for over the years of traveling with bead shows.
Yes, one day I will get into this stash and actually make stuff…
Maybe right after the website is updated!
There is a lot of display stuff stored there too. Since I am not doing shows I really need to edit that down a bit too… My life and studio needs are changing - this fall should be the perfect time to go through it and get my butt back in gear.
Thanks for swinging by! Next time we'll have coffee too… Especially since it will be September and I should be starting to get into the thick of re-organization… I can't wait!
-- Pictures Taken With & Posted From My iPhone
I wish I was as organized as your studio looks. I'm spending this afternoon trying to find the surface of my work tables. Ugh, I wish the fairies would come in one night and wave magic wands over it all.